Saturday, August 23, 2008

help me help myself, baby.

I'm so scared right now. Technically, all I have to do is type in an address and press send but there's so much more to it than that. The consequences are what I'm worried about. I don't ever want to hurt anyone. If I had it my way, the people I love would never hurt. I've told a few people what I've been thinking about lately, but I know that no matter how many people I talk to about this, no one can tell me what to do. No one can tell me if I'm right or wrong in what I'm feeling. I just have to trust myself and believe that what I'm about to do is really what's right for everyone involved.

Fuck, I wish it were as simple as it sounds.

1 comment:

Garrett said...

If you need to talk, you know how to get in touch with me. <3